Paloma Carvalho

Brazilian artist Paloma Carvalho has dedicated herself to the deep study of music, voice and performance. Besides the postgraduate degree in brazilian music (Faculdade Santa Marcelina, Brazil), she is a postgraduate student in artistic voice (CEV - Centro de Estudos da Voz, Brazil), a certified singer and singing teacher in the vocal method Somatic Voicework - the LoVetri Method (Shenandoah University, USA), songwriter (The Songwriting School of Los Angeles, USA), announcer (Senac SP, Brazil) and bachelors in theater (Superior School of Arts Célia Helena, Brazil). Paloma is producing now her second original work, “Soma” the song is a tribute to Brazilian women and has songs that reveal feminine strength and determination. Mixing pulsating beats, modern and urban timbres with traditional rhythms and sounds of Brazilian music, Paloma sings the multiple voices and feelings of women, with lyrics that speak of female empowerment, personal acceptance and transformation and the importance of constructive relationships. ​ In 2015, Paloma released her debut album "Samba Íntimo", which toured the United States with concerts in Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Winchester and San Diego, where she also recorded the music video for her song "Free Way". The album received wide acceptance from the public and critics. The work was pre-selected for the 26th Brazilian Music Award and received an honorable mention in the list of Best Brazilian Music Albums, by the website Embrulhador. Paloma was considered the new voice of samba by the famous portal Update or Die. The whole session can be found On Patreon <a href="" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button">Become a Patron!</a><script async src=""></script>